We have been blessed to be in full time ministry for over 30 years. Our passion is helping people learn of the "Good News" of Jesus Christ. We were both raised in rural Kentucky. As kids, we both had cattle. Phillip was raised on the family farm, a 200-cow dairy, and Rhonda's parents raised bottle-fed Holsteins, as well as some beef cattle. We all have different hobbies; some people play golf for enjoyment, some go shopping. We happen to find joy in raising cattle. We have chosen some great animals for our herds (Miniature Herefords and beef Sim-Angus). Ezra is our miniature herd bull, whose sire was a National Grand Champion Bull. We have chosen our herd carefully and have some of the top miniature bloodlines available. We hope you enjoy viewing our page, and if you need a mini Hereford, beef, or hay, we would be glad to help you.